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Road Advisory Committee Minutes 04/14/2014
April 14, 2104

Present: Philip Hitchcock (chairman), Jim Plunkett (road agent), Allen Mayville

Absent: Terry McCormack, Tom Jameson, Richard DeBold (ex-officio)

Meeting called to order 6:35 P.M.

Allen Mayville made a MOTION to accept the minutes from March 31, 2014. Jim Plunkett seconded, the MOTION passed.
Philip suggested follow up on business from the last meeting and to discuss the work on bid contracts #6 & #9 for Horse Corner Road and #1 of Bear Hill Road.

Philip followed through with Town Website information asked of Tom Jameson and Jim Plunkett at the last meeting. Philip will be working with Fred Shaw to update website with accurate information (members, term exp. dates, contact information, etc.), to put before and after photos of rehabilitated roads on the site and a map of what has been completed as well as what is proposed to be rehabilitated.

Jim stated that he made changes to the bid contracts for this year such as; the description box and Exhibit A Bear Hill Road Rehabilitation, section1 to coincide with linear footage, the replacement of a culvert with headwalls, the installation of 400 feet of under drain and grading, compaction and the repaving of the road section.  Dates were not changed as of yet because it mattered when they went out to bid.

Philip asked Jim if he would e-mail copies of the changed contracts to RAC members not present to look over in order for approval at the next scheduled RAC meeting.

There was discussion regarding the Fire truck measurements that Allen was working on with the fire department, gathering information for the driveway tie-in specs needing a certain slope. One of the engines has a 10” clearance and it was thought a chassis turning radius of 12’ is required. One of the engines has a turn radius of 24’ and to request more than 12’ would probably be a problem. We agreed to have more discussion at the next RAC meeting for problem driveways on sections to be rehabilitated before going out to bid. Allen will look at the town of Gilmanton to see what they are doing. Jim could get with the fire department and take a look at drives that may be an issue for the fire trucks and will contact Matt or Chief Quimby to get guidelines to put into bid contracts.

It was mentioned that the fire department mentions at selectmen’s meetings the issues of problem driveways and that the department should be more proactive so these problems can be resolved.

Walking roads by committee members for updated evaluation was discussed and will carry over to the next scheduled meeting to set date.

Allen is looking into the possibility of getting on the budget committee.

A list of things to do for 2014/2015 was brought up. It was decided to be carried over to next meeting when all members are present.

No further discussion.

Allen Mayville made a MOTION to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Jim Plunkett the MOTION passed.

Meeting adjourned 7:15 P.M.

Next scheduled meeting May 12, 2014

Respectfully submitted,

Philip Hitchcock, Chairman

Approved May 12, 2014
Philip Hitchcock, Chairman